
Be carefully about the fake contact id, don’t contact wrong people

hello everyone some of my friends told me that there are some people impersonate as me especially on skype and telegram, there are several fake id, they use exact the same as my profile. all of my contact info are here including Email, Telegram, Skype, WhatsApp and Mobile number please be careful my only skype […]

[Original Software] Email Category Detector v1.2

How it works: User loads some emails and put some keywordsThis detector can check if the emails associate with the keywords so that it can detect the email owner belong which categoryIt checks email’s domain, user and the domain’s website content. v1.2support domainsone result file for each keyword v1.1add an option that users can select […]

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[Original Software] EMail Sorter v2.2 – Tool for sorting emails from office365, godaddy, gmail, yahoo etc.

This software is used to sort emails depending on the email domain’s mx&spf record You load an email list, then the sorter will auto check the email’s mx record, then check if the email is hosted by office365 or gmail or yahoo etc., and write the emails into different txt file.the current version of the […]

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[Original Software] Large File Mail & link Extractor v1.3

This Extractor can extract email addresses from txt or csv or sql file.Yes, some web extractor like “Email Extractor Lite” can do similar job. The difference is this tool can handle any size file, any size which can be stored in your disk.One of my test sample is that on an SSD, 6GB file can […]

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[Original Software] Office365 Mail Redirect Checker & Verifier

New tool for office 365 emailThis tool can check if office 365 emails are valid or notAnd if the emails are office 365, this software can check the emails are normal office365 or godaddy office365 or adfs or okta or other type of office365 (checking by the login page’s redirect act) so it can separatenormal […]

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[Original Software] Mail List Fetcher v2.4 via IMAP POP & MSExchange

Feature:User loads some email,pass combos,The fetcher can auto connect to the the email’s IMAP, POP3 or Exchange serverThen it fetches all emails from every folder (inbox, draft, sent, even junk, trash and user-built folder) of the email.Then the fetcher parse every email’s header and get the email address of the sender or receiver (and cc […]

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[Original Software] Safe Url Checker v1.0 (to chrome&firefox red warning)

Safe Urls/Links checker Users load any amount linksthis tool can check if the links are good to open or warned (if warned, when people open the link, chrome or firefox shows a red warning page) Download Trial Version For Test

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[Original Software] Cafe24 & Squirrel & MailNara Judger (3 in 1)

This is a new email judger for Cafe24, Squirrel and MailNara.User loads emails, then this judger can check if emails are Cafe24 emails or Squirrel emails or MailNara emailsOne tool, 3 webmail system supportinglike my other judger, this judger can also get the different emails’s login url too. Download Trial

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[Original Software] Phone Number Sorter v1.6

This Phone Number Sorter is a software that can check phone number’s (including mobile numbers and landline numbers) Country Code, Country Name, Area Code, Location, Type, Carrier(Phone Service Provider), Timezone info etc…And the tool can separate the numbers into different category files by their country or by their carrier. For more features & functions, don’t […]

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[Original Software] EMail Country/Nation Sorter v1.0

Feature:You load an email list, this software can separate the emails to different file by their countries/nations.It supports almost all countries/nations on the planet. How it works:This software check country/nation by both domain extension and email server’s position. Click Here To Download Trial

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[Update News] Email Scraper Update To v2.8

Email Scraper v2.8 is available now Change log:1. first version of email scraper (v1.0)2. add proxy support, support http and socks4 proxy now, to prevent search engine banned our ip or ask to type captcha. (added in 2.2)3. it can load unlimited keywords now (even your keyword file is 1GB, it works well) (added in […]

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[Original Software] OWA (Outlook Web App) Email Judger v1.4

Software Feature:This software is used to check if the emails are hosted on OWA(Microsoft outlook web app). Usage:1. select an email list file (notepad file, every email in a new line, not comma separated)2. press start3. result files are in same folder with owa judger itself.(proxy is optional, it’s not must needed) Update logs:v1.41. add […]

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[Original Software] Honeypot & Spamtrap Email Remover

Honeypot & Spamtrap Email Remover Feature & Function:this software is used to remove the honeypot and spamtrap emails from email list file the first release supports 24 honeypot and spamtrap service proivderswe will keep adding more supports Download Trial Version

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[Original Software] Zimbra Email Judger v1.1 – Tool for check if the email is hosted by Zimbra

This software is used to check if the emails are hosted by Zimbra. It’s easy to use, just load emails and start to check the results will go to Zimbra.txt or NotZimbra.txt (in same folder with the software itself) *the format of email list you need to load is every email in straight line, not […]

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[Original Software] Roundcube CPanel Email Judger v1.0.4

Feature:User loads an email list, then this software can check if the emails are hosted on roundcube cpanel. It’s easy to use, just load emails and start to checkthe results will go to Roundcube_CPanel.txt or Not_Roundcube_CPanel.txt (in same folder with the software itself) *the format of email list you need to load is every email […]

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[Original Software] EMail Verifier / Validator

Here is a new software which can check if the emails are valid or not. User loads one or more email list, this verifier can check emails via many ways and filter which ones are valid and which ones are invalid, also which ones are not sure. It supports loading more than one email list […]

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[Original Software] URL Link & Domain Collector

This software is used to collect URLs, links or domains from web with crawl type. Function & Feature: 1. It supports several crawl type (inner, outer or both). 2. It supports collector full url and domain only. 3. configurable crawl deep level 4. multi-thread make it work extremely fast 5. flexible exclusive and inclusive filter […]

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[Original Software] EMail Scraper From Search Engine

The software is used collect email from search engine. Feature Detail: 1.Load keywords (it supports unlimited keyword count), the software will automatically search these keyword on search engine, and collect email from search result page. supports collecting emails only from search result page OR crawl into search results target website support Google, Bing, […]

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[Original Software] EMail Address Collector

A software used to collect or extract mail address from web. 1.This software doesn’t depend on search engines(My another software that can collect email from search engine will be published later), It crawl web from start URL. 2.Users can specify the replacement sign of email (for example some site use # instead of @ in […]

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